Anyone have any good information on using ublock origin with tor browser? Does it compromise my anonymity?

    143 years ago

    It’s highly discouraged to add further add ons on Tor since you will be more easily fongerprintable.

    The only thing you should change on Tor are security settings, nothing else.

    113 years ago

    It makes you a bit distinguishable from the people who don’t use an Ad-Blocker. It won’t be enough to identify you, but it does add to your digital fingerprint.

    63 years ago

    silly comments. Tails is using ublock orgin for Tor browser they ship with.

    “Don’t use Tails it ruins your OP sec” lol.

        13 years ago

        Here’s the thing tho, u block might be good for your threat model. Depends what it is. any way if you are surfing clear web you got more serious opsec concerns.

          3 years ago


          I think i didn’t explain myself because this is happened before.

          The point of the comments I wrote are not aimed to say “don’t use ad-blockers” or “don’t use Linux” and so on. What I’m trying to do is “fight” the misinformation spread by certain people about these topic.

          Now, while people should act according their own threat model, they should also be aware about the possible pro and cons about every software they eventually are going to use.

          I’m not an expert, but in my understanding privacy is not something you can easily achieve. Browser need to carefully develop actual features designed to protect users’s privacy, like Tor browser does.

          Installing a bunch of add ons aimed to “blocks ads & trackers” or *spoof user agent" will make you stand out more from the crowd.

          Then if you’re comfortable with that it’s up to you. Again, there is a big difference between be aware about something and then act accordingly and be in denial mode and accuse people to spread misinformation beside the reliable sources linked.

          I personally use ublock on my desktop browser because I don’t like to see a page filled with ads & tracker and I don’t care about stand out from the crowd.

          Please, let me now whether I made that clear or not.

          edit: I’m asking you because I tend to make typos since English is not my first language.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
      03 years ago

      99% people have zero idea when they give advice using buzzwords. These people are either spreading misinformation, or are grifters (few of them).

      If uBlock Origin is creating more attack surface, being a highly vetted, open source addon for REDUCING attack surface, that should tell you about advice you should be taking from such idiots.

      I am one of the main people who has brought back focus on threat modelling and opsec, and I am glad that it is also differentiating the grift from the good advice, and not just guiding everyone towards a less tinfoil, more saner path to privacy.

    13 years ago

    i would say use it.
    but if you want to blend in perfectly then you should be doing what most people do.

  • Sandro Linux
    03 years ago

    Don’t do it it makes you stand out and ruins your opsec just use noscript