It tries to regulate your information access (what you are allowed to know and not know and when). They like to dictate your body (like where you need to be and when you go to the bathroom). Scoring systems are manipulative and exploitative and actually not constructive to learning. The edu system is more about conditioning kids for capitalism more than anything else.

Academia tries to act as fact bearers and they like to keep a monopoly on stuff like research. They are professional gate keeper credentialists. Some thought policing vibes I get from some people. Seems like all the radical thinkers were sadly cleared out and what’s left is dominated by boot licking liberals and reactionaries.

I’m Californian.

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    You telling me commiefornia ain’t teaching you to be a cultural Marxist like the news taught me?

    jk. High school where I am is highly governed in what they’re allowed to teach. Schoolbooks from the 80s and shit. The state ensures you’re not a radical before they hire you, if they can still get away with it now with the teacher shortage.

    University is no better. There’s an air of sophistication and radicalism and higher learning ofc, but it’s all filtered thru the lens of liberalism. One of my buddy’s polisci textbook said that Sweden was socialist, as opposed to Communist North Korea. Outright silly shit.

    The bathroom break shit is really conditioning for the workforce. At CVS I had to stand in the drive-thru for 6 hours before I was let to have a bathroom break, and I had to beg. Petty tyrants althoughout our lives, and ostensibly the Amerikan dream is to become one of those petty tyrants? No thanks.

    • SovereignState
      2 years ago

      There’s a disturbing facet of Amerikan culture that hides beneath its facade of cleanliness: an utter obsession with urine!

      In high school, they collect it from you before you’re allowed to be a part of clubs, ensuring that in your free time you’re not using drugs recreationally. Teachers would literally rather you piss your pants than miss an iota of their spoon-fed propaganda, this has been reported as happening constantly in Amerikan schools. Before you can get a job, they have to harvest your urine to ensure you’re not using drugs. They’ll collect it sporadically henceforth, don’t you worry, just to make sure you’re still clean. And at work? They’d rather you piss in a bottle or piss your pants than take 5 minutes away from useless production to relieve yourself of one of physiology’s most basic struggles! It fuckin’ promotes dehydration at best, and renal failure at worst.

      According to everyone and anyone (who doesn’t use it), public transit here reeks like piss. If true, it’s no fucking wonder as it’s apparently the only place poor people can go! They can’t go at school, they can’t go at work, and more and more they can’t go to a store or restaurant and piss without buying something first! “Public restrooms”, I know in some places, are starting to require quarters to enter! What the fuck!

      I remember walking around downtown with a fucking bladderful and it took me SEVEN tries to get to use a bathroom. I had like $20 to my name. I only got to go because I snuck in the back at a restaurant and beelined for the bathroom. What the fuck is wrong with this country? Why is it so obsessed with making people fucking hold it?

      Sorry for my piss-related rant lol. Your statement about bathroom breaks just got me thinking.

      • holdengreenOP
        2 years ago

        It’s one example people like to cite at how controlling the edu system is. But really it goes a lot deeper than that.

        Luckily I get to opt out a lot because I live in an more affluent five acre lot community with my parents. But it sounds like a total piss scape out there.

        We can’t make this revolution happen fast enough!

        • SovereignState
          2 years ago

          “If I can’t piss, I don’t want to be a part of your revolution.” – Emma Goldman

          Did you know that urinary analysis for job screenings is new as hell? In the U.S. they’ve only been using it since the early 2000s and I don’t think it’s common almost anywhere else, maybe the UK. In Rogue State (2000), William Blum makes reference to UA “trials” in “some parts of New Jersey” as an example of the totalitarian nature of the U.S. As someone younger, it staggered me to learn that.

          • holdengreenOP
            2 years ago

            As far as I can remember I haven’t needed to get urine tested in my life. I have done it for medical reasons but never for a job or school or anything like that. I can’t see why your school or workplace has any business knowing what you do for recreation. Looks like that’s being targeted at poor people specifically.

            I haven’t read that yet but it should be on my phone so maybe soon on my backpacking trip.

            • SovereignState
              2 years ago

              It may be reflected more in my work experience as someone who has had jobs mostly being around prescription drugs in one form or another, but they don’t test for those as much as they test for cannabis or other illicit ones. I also had some manual labor jobs that didn’t deal with drugs at all that still required UA. It also may be more of a regional thing, being more prominent in the midwest. In Illinois where cannabis is recreationally legal, 70% of jobs still drug test, making it de facto illegal for a majority of proletarians. I also think the further you move up in the corporate ladder, the less and less prevalent they become.

  • Large Bullfrog
    2 years ago

    School was so utterly worthless and cringe that I don’t even like thinking back about it. Another upside of getting out of school that I learned later on was that I haven’t caught the Flu or got sick even once since then, whereas when I was in school I’d get the flu at least once a year.

    • holdengreenOP
      2 years ago

      I rebelled against it violently all the way back to kinder garden. By the time I was in 7th grade I was partially homeschooled (didn’t do much if any work). Then I moved to a private school in a lab where I also didn’t have to do work I didn’t want to do. Got hellish after that and I took CHISPE when I was 16.

      It’s a shit show and it’s irresponsible we are sending kids into what is now not any proper or safe or humane education system. It’s worse for some who aren’t so normative and stuff like that than others.

      Anyways it’s all extremely outdated.