Now with today’s age where almost everything is sexualized, and everywhere you look there’s sexual implications on it. As a lonely teenager myself going through the “horny phase.” Things are not going good for me. How do you deal with impure thoughts? (No religion stuff plz lol)

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    No judgmental attitude or vibe or anything is intended by what I’m gonna say, I’ve been where you are and maybe still am in some ways. I’m also speaking entirely from my experience and yours may be different. Pornography leads to brainrot, unironically (in my experience). For me, excessive pornography watching led to a pseudo-addiction that never really felt like addiction. I’d do it because I was bored. Eventually it gets to a point where you’re no longer really even having fun doing it, it feels like a mechanical interaction you’re having with yourself to release those sweet chemicals for a momentary blip, and then it’s gone. It also lead me to view damn near everyone I saw in a sexual light instead of treating them as a human being, more like a potential sex-haver. It’s unhealthy to view other people this way and leads to even more antisocial behaviors I think. After finishing, if you are aware of the conditions of the sex trade, you will likely also feel guilt. Maybe not.

    For me, the act as it were became exponentially more fulfilling whenever I began allowing my imagination to do the work. It feels so much better and there is no guilt afterwards. Without pornbrain as well, I think doing it this way allows oneself to stop immediately viewing strangers/others as sex objects first and foremost but rather as people, and the impulsive thoughts will start to fade. It’s perfectly okay to view others sexually, but if sexual thoughts are becoming a problem, it is a good idea to examine your pornwatching habits and see if they might be affecting the way you think and exist.

    Also, unironically, maybe try hentai. It may be detrimental to the brain for other reasons (I’m not sure), but I find that it alleviates the guilt and impulsive thoughts when engaging with others. Some comrades have made some good points regarding hentai. Probably a bad idea.

    edit: this goes into other aspects of the sexual self, but this is one of if not my favorite article of all time. Just brilliant and beautiful, and had me rethinking sex after reading.