The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down an Il-76 aircraft over Belgorod.

The IL-76 military aircraft was transporting 65 Ukrainian POW for exchange with Russian POW, along with 6 crew members and 3 escorts.

The captured Ukrainian servicemen were being transported to the Belgorod region for exchange.

Another Il-76 carrying 80 Ukrainian prisoners of war turned back, said the head of the Duma Defense Committee Andrei Kartapolov.

“The Ukrainian leadership was well aware of the impending exchange and was informed of how the prisoners would be delivered,” he said during a speech in the State Duma

After the crash of the IL-76 in the Belgorod region, prisoner exchanges between the Russian Federation and Ukraine will apparently be put on pause.

  • REEEEvolution
    8 months ago

    Making money disappear, snorting epic lines of coke, having wholesome torchmarches for their hero Jaryslav the jewslayer.