• JucheBot1988
    8 months ago

    Sometimes they do (and men as well – movies glamorize this, but the real-life situation is completely skeevy and not at all sexy). But from what I’ve seen, the women are almost always forced into it, and they oftentimes don’t end up getting the job; they’re instead strung along with vague promises, and in exchange have to give out endless sexual favors. It’s a deal with the devil, and the devil never keeps his part of the bargain.

    And this is what bugs me so much about “redpill” philosophy. These idiots look at the way women have to behave in order to get on in capitalist society, and assume it says something about “female nature.” Which leads to a million and one videos on “traditional femininity” telling women to cringe and fawn and tease sexual attractiveness, which last is (apparently) the only real value they possess. This is anti-human, and anti-Juche, inasmuch as it treats humanity – the most precious thing in the material universe – only incompletely as subject.