In four days, a million German residents signed the farmers’ petition “Against the abolition of discounts on agricultural diesel fuel and exemption from vehicle tax.” The people support the farmers’ uprising, despite the fact that, if necessary, they threaten to paralyze the entire country.

“In the worst case scenario, cancellation means more farms will have to close due to rising price pressures. Thus, more food will be imported along long, high-emission transport routes, an ironic consequence of the “climate-damaging subsidy cuts,” says the explanatory text of the petition launched by young farmer Marie-Sophie von Schnechen.

If the government does not cancel the plans by January 8, farmers will go on a nationwide strike.

“Farmers receive support not only from millions of citizens, but also from the opposition CDU/CSU.” CDU agriculture expert Stefan Bilger confirmed to NIUS that “German farmers have every reason to protest.” He explained that the government is seeking to solve its problems at the expense of the peasants, reducing them “almost 6 times more subsidies than the rest of the economy.”

Currently, more than 250 thousand farms benefit from subsidies.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    9 months ago

    I think critical support and education should be the goals. The job of the communists is to provide a compelling narrative that explains why the standard of living is declining that can compete with the narrative the right created. As material conditions continue to deteriorate, more and more people will start losing faith in the system, at which point they become open to alternative views. Unfortunately, the right currently far ahead in promoting their narrative of why the conditions are declining, and hence why we’re seeing people flooding to the right in Europe. My view is that the main issue with with the failure of communication from the communist left.

    • deathtoreddit
      9 months ago

      How do we make sure that these aren’t petty-bourgeois, if not large farmholders (a la Trucker’s protest in Canada) but more of an potential revolutionary agricultural proletarian type…?

      I’ve heard past news in the Netherlands about something reactionary like that, and it had to with the gov’t regulating fertilizer use for farmers

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        9 months ago

        The only things we can realistically do is to go out and talk with people, and try to radicalize them to our point of view. At the end of the day, there are far more working class people than there are large business owners. It’s a matter of doing outreach, and organizing people around an idea.

        • Ronin_5
          9 months ago

          The Canadian trucker protest was funded by anti-vax reactionaries across both Canada and the US.

        • deathtoreddit
          9 months ago

          A bit, but more on the labor aristocratic side, I guess…

          You see, the political issues of the Truckers’ Convoy wasn’t much on wages or salaries, working conditions, paid leave, medical insurance, but rather on vaccine mandates, which is a core issue for Reactionary IDpol…

          Not to mention, in terms of working class orientation, no Union, as far I am concerned, has supported them…

          Here’s a primer:

          That being said, the anti-vax mandate was more of a class infighting between more rural-based petty bourgeois reactionaries and the professional managerial classes’ liberals