• mughaloidOP
    9 months ago

    in Islamic societies , modest clothing is preferable and is socially accepted . He is not incorrect in a sense.

    • الأرض ستبقى عربية
      9 months ago

      In almost every Arab country wearing bikinis is legal. Even in Saudi Arabia in certain private beaches and hotels but not in public areas.

      I have seen videos of Palestinian women in bikinis in a pool in the West Bank but can’t find them now.

      Which is why I’m asking where does it say Hamas prohibits it in the Gaza Strip? I accept that the culture itself is conservative and prefers modesty, I am asking about laws and enforcement by Hamas.

      • mughaloidOP
        9 months ago

        Hamas is moderate on dressing and culture. Although it initially had some Taliban ways but later they quickly went onto Arab ways. I don’t think there is any legal definition but yeah it is frowned upon severely and women without hijab is considered dishonorable, atleast that’s what preferable in Quranic ways. West Bank is controlled by PLO which is much more secular and liberal.


        I found something

        • الأرض ستبقى عربية
          9 months ago

          This is from 2009 though, 40% of Gazans weren’t even born then. A lot has changed since then, Hamas had a new charter since then.

          women without hijab is considered dishonorable

          dishonorable to who? considered by who? are you Arab? This is a Saudi model and actress in The Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia https://youtu.be/NLww_kPDlYs

          Hamas 2017 Charter https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/hamas-2017-document-of-general-principles-and-policies

          Islam and Palestine:

          1. Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status. Within Palestine there exists Jerusalem, whose precincts are blessed by Allah. Palestine is the Holy Land, which Allah has blessed for humanity. It is the Muslims’ first Qiblah and the destination of the journey performed at night by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is the location from where he ascended to the upper heavens. It is the birthplace of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. Its soil contains the remains of thousands of Prophets, Companions and Mujahidin. It is the land of people who are determined to defend the truth – within Jerusalem and its surroundings – who are not deterred or intimidated by those who oppose them and by those who betray them, and they will continue their mission until the Promise of Allah is fulfilled.
          1. By virtue of its justly balanced middle way and moderate spirit, Islam – for Hamas - provides a comprehensive way of life and an order that is fit for purpose at all times and in all places. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. It provides an umbrella for the followers of other creeds and religions who can practice their beliefs in security and safety. Hamas also believes that Palestine has always been and will always be a model of coexistence, tolerance and civilizational innovation.
          1. Hamas believes that the message of Islam upholds the values of truth, justice, freedom and dignity and prohibits all forms of injustice and incriminates oppressors irrespective of their religion, race, gender or nationality. Islam is against all forms of religious, ethnic or sectarian extremism and bigotry. It is the religion that inculcates in its followers the value of standing up to aggression and of supporting the oppressed; it motivates them to give generously and make sacrifices in defence of their dignity, their land, their peoples and their holy places.

          [emphasis mine]

          • mughaloidOP
            9 months ago

            Do you know Islam or Islamic Societies or have you observed the Palestinian girls who are wear arabic style clothing. Sure they don’t wear bikinis in any crowd filled beach . You can show all the charter but to live in a society in different. Are you from Gaza or Palestine? If you are not then you also have no value in discussing these things. Islamic Societies are different and you must respect their standards and morality. To say Hamas allowing bikini filled beach is totally untrue. Many things in societal level are not defined by law but by inherited societal education and religion.

            • الأرض ستبقى عربية
              9 months ago

              I’m from Saudi Arabia :) I know how things can appear outwardly and how they really are.

              To say Hamas allowing bikini filled beach is totally untrue.

              Nothing preventing the existence of private beaches and resorts that permit them, Saudi Arabia has them. https://youtu.be/J9rx0t-hR0U https://youtu.be/XGfle0cdHmc

              Other Arab countries like UAE, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Syria and Lebanon are far more permissive in their rules, even in public beaches.

              Do you know Islam or Islamic Societies

              I must say that non-Arab Muslims sometimes can be far more conservative than the average Arab Muslim. I read of the experiences of Indian-subcontinent Muslims and they are alien to me.