now i’ve heard in recent times they literally dressed up a nazi prison camp as a soviet gulag, but after watching it with my sisters, (they had a party for their graduation, because they’re in highschool) the shit is so liberal. Why they make some cops mean, the message is that they’re so great, and they even downplay MK ultra as some fantasy thing. It’s garbage.

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    Good point about education. That’s half the reason I watched “Don’t Look Up.”

    I don’t know if I buy that the creators are, in the words of somebody else, knowingly exaggerating as a continuation of their campy 80s style, but then again I haven’t seen this new season so I can’t really say. Either way, even if the creators secretly think the USSR is okay the end result in the real world is exactly as you describe. People might know logically the Soviets didn’t try to summon hell demons but in their subconscious, their id, they still feel like they might as well have.