Legislation aimed at curtailing extremism has also served to vastly expand the surveillance of Black and brown communities. One historian’s point that McCarthyism should more accurately be called Hooverism is applicable to the ADL, given its history of working with the FBI to surveil Black liberation movements, Arab and Muslim groups, and other civil and human rights organizations. Indeed, the ADL continues to spy on organizers, including groups like SJP and JVP, through affiliates like the Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC), which infiltrates and spies on the groups and then feeds the ADL data from the ICC’s web of campus spies.

For the ADL — or any entity — to charge a student group with material support for terrorism while the U.S. sends billions of material support to aid a genocidal military campaign that has so far killed over 13,000 civilians in Gaza is unconscionable. It keeps no one safe – neither from violence nor discrimination. By designating pro-Palestinian advocates as “extremists,” the ADL uses the alibi of white supremacism to foment repression, censorship, and policing of those on the left who are critical of [Zionism]. This is the moment to see the ADL for what it is: an organization that will not hesitate to weaponize antisemitism to chill speech and squash liberation movements. Drop the ADL.

Can we start calling the ADL and its ilk ‘Jewish Uncle Toms’?

  • Justice
    11 months ago

    I don’t know about that last sentence from you. I would not recommend it for non-Jews especially.

    But as far as the ADL and specifically baldremoved Greenblat are concerned: I have a viciously strong desire to see this man ruined by any means necessary. I think it would be a huge blow to Zionists everywhere since he has put himself forward recently and in the past as their non-governmental leader. Ie as a private citizen attempting to act as a public official. He holds far too much influence, his organization and he are morally and ethically bankrupt and complicit in genocide. He’s a disgusting antisemite and racist. In a just society he’d be cough in prison. Yes. Prison. But I would settle for public humiliation, denouement from all his political benefactors and allies and essentially never seeing his gross face on a screen ever again.

    The ADL has got to go. I don’t know the “value” or whatever of overfocusing on them and Greenblatt, but I think they are an extremely damaging organization, so it seems correct to laser beam them into non-existence and shun Greenblatt as an “example.”

    I have no fucking clue how this can be achieved in the west though considering every administration supports this Zionist scum, he has effectively infinite funds at his back via ADL donations, and of course the ADL/he will hide behind all the (I suppose) legitimate work and reporting they’ve done that is unrelated to Israel. For me personally, the ADL was always “suss” for more than just Israel, but Greenblat and their recent actions and statements have fully removed all doubt that they are not a pro-Jewish organization but rather solely a pro-Zionist and anti-Jewish organization.

    Fuck em.

    But the way things have gone in the past, and hopefully that changes, is you get legitimately good people like Finkelstein “cancelled” (lack of better word) while pedos/liar-asses like “the Dersh” are on Fox News every other night despite writing a book that was entirely debunked and destroyed AND hanging out with Epstein in… more than a lawyerly fashion, one could say. (And one will say)