• We extend a greeting of pride and honor to our patient and steadfast people in the Gaza Strip, whose patience and pride cannot be described in words. They defy the Zionist war machine and stand as an impenetrable barrier against the occupation’s plans to displace them from their land. We declare with a confident Palestinian voice: No more migration from now on, but liberation and return.

  • We also extend our thanks and appreciation to all Arab and Islamic nations and the free people of the world. We call upon them to continue their solidarity and support for our Palestinian people in the triumph of the values of freedom, justice and shared destiny, to besiege the new Nazis and their supporters by activating demonstrations in all capitals, in front of embassies and by activating economic boycotts to stop the occupation’s crimes and the genocide it commits around the clock against children, civilians and displaced people in schools and hospitals.

  • DankZedong A
    10 months ago

    I won’t stop going into the streets even if I’d be standing alone at the embassies ✊🏼