So, I was walking down the street and I am crossing at an intersection when I see that someone was coming on their car and when I see their windshield, I saw that they were driving towards me while they had their head down looking down their seat. I had to run to not get run over, and the guy turned and was staring me down angrily like if it was my fault that he almost hit me for not having his eyes on the road. Fuck Americans’ specialty to blame shift! The guy looked at me like he was ready to fight over almost hitting me like if he was the victim

  • relay
    8 months ago

    You got to understand that the core part of being an American is to never take accountability for anything. An average American does not act upon the world, they are acted upon the world by forces they refuse to understand, and get pissy when things don’t end up in their favor.

    • MeowZedong
      8 months ago

      As an American, your comment cuts a little too close to the truth. Mind rephrasing it so that it justifies settler colonialism and/or racism?

  • Giyuu
    8 months ago

    Happened to me as well a couple weeks ago. White American running his light. Called me an asshole but I laughed kept on jogging with my earbuds in lmao. I’m glad I ruined his day.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    8 months ago

    I knew this took place in the US before I even saw the username lol. It may be a regional thing, but same thing happens here all the time. I can’t trust anyone to drive, and when they fuck up, no hand wave, no mouthing the word “sorry”, not even a “whoops”, they stare you tf down. I used to be cool w the concept of cars, but now I’m so done w it, so many people have cars for status symbols and can’t fucking drive like a normal person, and maybe I’m being a prick here but everyone speeds like 20-30 mph above the limit in my area. Not to mention people who don’t park in driveways and clog up the street. Smh cars wind me up