Do you think the US will be able to change for the better regarding things like gun laws, healthcare, equality and overall politics?

  • @bleepingblorp
    42 years ago

    Not without intense violence first. For that to happen our current leadership would have to be killed. The President, the Cabinet, the Senate, Supreme Court, loads of corporate executives, and loads of pigs, etc.

    For the FBI spooks here: Of course! Just get out and vote harder! And make sure any protests stay peaceful and inconsequential.

  • comfy
    2 years ago

    [I am not an expert. These answers also assume no revolution starts]


    Maybe. If the labor movement picks up, it’s an easy concession to make compared to the rest. Multiple presidents have attempted it.

    gun [legality]

    Banning that seriously violates a deeply held cultural foundation of the country. I think there’s an 80% chance it will lead to multiple political assassinations. Note that the relevant Amendment to their constitution is interpreted as a defense against tyranny. Possible but unlikely that it would be touched.



    overall politics

    What do you mean? If you mean the federal two-party system of Democrats and Republicans? No. The current voting method discourages voting for a ‘third party’ and it’s not within the interest of either major party to change that. If you mean pro-corporate politics, no. “Capitalism”, they’re proud of it. If you mean the vicious cultural divide of ‘liberals’ (progressives) and ‘conservatives’ (conservative liberals and conservative nationalists), no. It’s pretty strongly ingrained in their media and their culture, it would take an unforeseen movement to overcome it.

    • vxnxntOP
      22 years ago

      Thanks for the insight! While I agree with almost all of your points, I could imagine that perhaps some restrictions could be made on getting a gun (license). Maybe they will decide to pass some laws for better background checks at the very least.

    • vxnxntOP
      12 years ago

      I can only hope for the people to wake up and see what is happening around them and how these policies are destroying society. Just maybe there is a small chance that this is possible but I’m still pessimistic about it.

    • vxnxntOP
      12 years ago

      Yeah, it almost seems as if it has just gradually been getting worse over the past few years. Hopefully this stirs up the people enough to bring some positive change.

  • poVoq
    22 years ago

    The US are changing right now in various ways. Not all for the better, but what we see these days are the results of these changes, sort of growing pains. Maybe these changes will be too much and things will devolve into a collapse of the federation or violent oppression of one of the sides of the raging culture wars, but more likely things will settle down after a while to a new normal.

    • vxnxntOP
      12 years ago

      The things I see/read online and hear from my relatives living there honestly doesn’t give me much hope for a better future. I can only wish that you’re right and that it will settle down with the new normal not being a society where the current issues have become normalized.

    02 years ago

    Things will definitely change once the country collapses. And that vollapse isnt far away, considering the extreme inflation, inequality, completely senile president, generally incompetent government, and military defeats.

    • vxnxntOP
      12 years ago

      I think inflation, military defeats and the president are the least of the country’s worries. IMO the previous president was much worse in regards to competence. Moreover, the current inflation of the US is somewhat average among most industrial countries at the moment, with countries like Turkey being much worse off. Lastly, I don’t think military defeats would actually affect society or the country in a negative way. Instead I believe that the Government would learn from their past mistakes and try to stop invading other countries. But this could also just be wishful thinking.