Do you think the US will be able to change for the better regarding things like gun laws, healthcare, equality and overall politics?

    02 years ago

    Things will definitely change once the country collapses. And that vollapse isnt far away, considering the extreme inflation, inequality, completely senile president, generally incompetent government, and military defeats.

    • vxnxntOP
      12 years ago

      I think inflation, military defeats and the president are the least of the country’s worries. IMO the previous president was much worse in regards to competence. Moreover, the current inflation of the US is somewhat average among most industrial countries at the moment, with countries like Turkey being much worse off. Lastly, I don’t think military defeats would actually affect society or the country in a negative way. Instead I believe that the Government would learn from their past mistakes and try to stop invading other countries. But this could also just be wishful thinking.