• @chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org
    711 months ago

    lemmygrad, I love you, but this meme is not communist enough. The post title would be much better simply as:

    The US has the world’s highest incarceration rate at 6x the global average. The rate continues to rise each year due to lobbying from capitalists profiting from literal slave labor in private prisons


    • 6x is bigger than 4x. More embarassing that way.
    • Incarceration rate itself is something that many Americans are unconcerned with. You need to connect the bad thing with facts which are unflattering to the American ego, such as the widespread existence of private prisons which profit from forced labor and the rich politians who are rewarded for their continued complicity.
    • Making a direct comparison to China invites whataboutist counterarguments from reactionaries. They could point to capitalist societies which both technically have lower incarceration rates than China, such as Japan or Norway.
  • @MajesticFlame@lemmy.one
    11 months ago

    I mean, are those the official numbers from China? Because you know, there certainly are no secret reeducation camps in China. None wharsoewer. That would be ridiculous.

  • @angarabebesi@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    There is a lot of racial and economic hatred in the US. Anything less than an opressive police+prison system won’t be able to keep the lid on this society and prevent it from exploding.

    • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlOPM
      2 years ago

      Meanwhile the US has more people dead from covid than literally any other country, even most countries combined. Certainly more people dead than China (again, despite having a much smaller population, and much lower urban population densities, which you’d think would mean an easier time preventing the spread of a virus).

      Literally “better dead than red.”

      Also, it’s a real bold claim that covid quarantine is equivalent to an actual prison.

      • HMH
        -112 years ago

        Well, the question was “Who’s more authoritarian?”, not who had the better response to COVID-19 and I just thought the timing to consider China less authoritarian with what’s going on there right now rather comical.

        Also, it’s a real bold claim that covid quarantine is equivalent to an actual prison.

        Compared to prisons in US that’s probably true, lol. But still, a friend of mine is in lockdown since 1st of April and they haven’t left their flat since. Also food delivery broke down for a few days and they had to life of their stocked milk for four days. Certainly not a situation I’d like to be in.

        • Soviet Snake
          2 years ago

          Maybe if the rest of the world could put human lives over profit for a little bit we could all be over with this shit and China wouldn’t have to take such drastic measures, but no real measure has been taken by capitalist countries since the beginning of the pandemic.