As we sign this statement, we address it to our people in Gaza in particular and in Palestine in general, saluting their legendary steadfastness and struggle in defense of their historical right to their land, and their courageous civilized stand against the vanguards of [neo]colonialism, [neo]fascism and racism. In this position, we do not declare anything new when we preserve for them their natural right to resist their occupier, a right guaranteed to them by every law, approved by every law and assured by every custom.

We also appeal to the entire Arab nation, governments, organizations, peoples and individuals, to appeal to them to play their historic role in supporting their Palestinian brothers against this blatant aggression and to assist them in all possible moral and material ways. Recalling the need not to be distracted and not to cool down until the heavy cloud of death is lifted from our people in Gaza.

Then we turn to the free people of humanity throughout the world, especially those who have tasted the bitterness of colonialism, racism and the cruelty of the policies of extermination and occupation everywhere. At this moment, we urgently need to unite in the face of this manifest injustice and to stand as an impregnable barrier between the [neo]colonizer’s tank and its victim. If the oppressors have called for one nation, then nothing less than their victims should also unite as one nation against them.

In particular, we salute the supporters of the cause around the world, foremost among them the few people of conscience in the West who, with their free and courageous voices, were able to obstruct even a little bit the Western machine of lies and falsifications that shocked us as we see it burning in a few days the principles and values accumulated by the West over long centuries in order to support Zionist propaganda.