This was during a Q&A after he spoke about Palestine years ago. You still see many liberals and so-called “leftists” (who are really just libs) crying like this girl. People act like fascists then cry when people call them what they are.

  • cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    I would have to respectfully disagree that it is acceptable to vote Democrat at the local level. The local level is the base upon which the rest of the pyramid of a party rests. By reinforcing the uniparty at the base you stabilize it at the higher levels.

    Furthermore, it is precisely because the local level is where you can make the most difference that you should vote for third parties, because there they actually have a chance of winning seats. If we are to engage in electoral tactics, and i think we are still in a phase where that avenue of struggle cannot and should not be completely neglected, then we must do it intelligently and build up the political power and mass appeal of parties that challenge the corporate, warmongering uniparty starting from the ground level.