Hi guys, I’m a senior in High School and am in an literature class, for the end of our poetry unit we had to write a poem and I chose to do a Petrarchan sonnet. What makes it a Petrarchan sonnet is that it is written in a iambic pentameter, meaning there is 10 syllables in each line and every other syllable is stressed. Also there is a specific rhyme scheme and it is split into an eight-line part and six-line part that each have their own complete thought. I took a lot of inspiration from “The Internationale”. Here it is:

A Call To The Workers of The World

Our earth is changing but not for the best
The value one adds to each product, gone
Profits all they care, human life begone
Those with all the riches get to oppress
Regular people shoulder all the stress
Pick yourself up by the bootstraps, c’mon
How? For we’ve no capital to live on
Peace among ourselves, we have to progress
Producers we cannot rest anymore
Laborers it is not time to discuss
We must do what our heart compels
Together our work could create much more
There is nobody coming to save us
Rise up, only we can save ourselves

Hope you guys learned a little bit about poetry and enjoyed!

  • HaSch
    2 years ago
    Of heavy soul I offer you a riddle
    Tormenting me all day and every night
    What seeks the nightfall in the noon of light
    And what a sunbeam in the darkness' middle?
    In what strange optics cast the eyes a glow
    Illuminating shadows far and wide
    Instead these shadows, robbing them of sight,
    In well-lit halls their fearsome blackness show?
    Sunlight brings life, gives warmth and strength and colour,
    Spoils Mother Earth with treasures beyond bound
    Yet in the shady tunnels underground
    Lurks poverty, captivity and squalour.
    Behold the king of caves, a ghastly bat
    He rules the realms that light can never reach
    But still a single glance of yours can teach
    That in a robe of shining gold he's clad.
    Behold us sons and daughters of our star
    Our light would always radiate so free
    Alas today it is not ours to see
    Due to our coats of sunlight-hardened tar.
    Now must the daily ritual begin
    That while the sun is up we must come down
    Our fibres weave the bat king's golden gown
    And ones of brightest silver for his kin
    At dusk we are released to see the moon
    That heals our wounds and adds to our light
    But never does it heal and add just right -
    Our shine descends to grayness very soon.
    The king has taken kindly to the gray,
    He loosens up their tarren coats and chains,
    He shares with them the lesser of his gains,
    So that to him, and not the sun, they pray.
    In grayscale both our joys and pains are numb
    The colour of our radiance has vanished
    Along with it, a treasure has been banished
    That as a birthright from our star has come:
    While we adapt our eyes to caverns' gray
    We do not only lose our vibrant hue,
    We lose the strength to see and feel it too
    And somehow think it has to be this way.
    Blind are we for blue skies, the lush green wood
    Blind for the light of others we admired
    Blind for the vivid dreams we once desired
    Blind even for the shining we still could.
    Now if we bear our colour-vision gone
    We wander through the dark on merry feet
    We know our way through every narrow street
    And yearn for yet an even slimmer one.
    But still some doubt remains that all is lost
    Reason is always treasonous to fate
    Some sense still tells us it is not too late
    To go reclaim the early settled cost.
    For that we must stand up to feel the chains
    And stretch to smell the stench of hardened tar,
    We must shine lights in caverns near and far
    And meet as one the bat king who still reigns.
    The king, when forced to meet our massive number
    Appeals to all the grays he likes to feed
    To all the crumbs he gave to those in need
    And say he'll buy us beds for softer slumber.
    He knows too well that if we were to part
    Gone were his days of power, wealth and might,
    Gone were the robes of shining golden light,
    Only therefore employs he diplomatic art.
    We hear him promise wealth unseen in dreams
    His scheming and his tactics are in vain
    And as he writhes in tortuous mental pain
    He casts his dying ultrasonic screams.
    The screams are heard by all the bats around
    They honour now the closeness of their kind;
    To exits which our grays taught us to find
    They race us in a battle to the ground.
    The paths are rigged with vicious hidden traps
    But those who built them walk among our crowd
    Some carry food, some read the plan aloud
    Some warn us where the switch for each one snaps.
    A reddish glow breaks through the cavern black
    We feel the surface, smell the dew of morn,
    We see the sunrise at the crack of dawn
    Which scares the bats away from our back.
    The colour red returns to our sight,
    And as the day goes on, they all imbue
    The world in orange, yellow, green and blue
    To all of those who never saw this light.
    Hear up! The danger is not just yet past - 
    This shady cave must shut its doors in time!
    Before the fall of dusk, seal them with lime
    So that no trouble brews in them at last.
    • The_Commie_FerretOP
      2 years ago

      Holy this is actually insane, great metaphors and imagery. Really enjoyed reading it.

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    Loved it, the last two lines are chilling…