• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    73 years ago

    given everything I’ve heard about China’s handling of the virus, I’d be genuinely amazed if a single person who actually lives there would’ve lost faith in their government.

    • @RedSister
      73 years ago

      White sexpat youtubers would like to speak to you

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      73 years ago

      Yeah, the contrast with the west is stark. Hopefully this will put an end to people who want to liberalize and westernize there.

      • @CommisarChowdahead
        43 years ago

        You think they ever cared about public opinion in China? The didn’t give a damn in any of the other countries they tried to imperialize. The end to antipathy towards China will only come when the power of the US state is broken, but this is on the horizon. A time will come when Americans will reflect on how much better their lives would have been if they had been born in China.

        • @TeethOrCoat
          43 years ago

          A time will come when Americans will reflect on how much better their lives would have been if they had been born in China.

          Maybe, but with how much power the media has over there, it’s going to be unlikely I feel. I wonder how many socialists focus on undermining people’s trust in the media and if not, whether that should be a concern for groups in the US going forward.