I hate how libs ALWAYS try to compare real politics to popular media.

Maybe it says something about their ability to comprehend complex situations without needing to compare it to something made to be easily understandable. Or maybe it’s a testament to their belief that there are somehow objective good and evil sides in the world, or think real politics should play out like a movie.

    • AgreeableLandscape☭OPM
      2 years ago

      Also, it’s really silly when English speakers try to talk down about people like Xi JinPing by calling him “Xi”. They think it’s informal like calling Biden “Joe” or something. Lol that’s his last name, the one you’d use when referring to him formally (in English that is, you generally use the entire full name in Chinese, unless you’re stating their position or honorific (Chairman, Doctor, Mister/Miss/Mrs, etc). So you wouldn’t call him just Xi in Chinese the way you often say just “Biden”, you’d say Xi JinPing when using just the name, or you can call him Chairman Xi, though Chairman Xi JinPing is also grammatically correct. You would only just use someone’s first name if you’re very close to them like a significant other or close friend, or a younger family member, not older though because that’s considered disrespectful.)