The post title is doing what the picture describes with this headline from a big German magazine (so original would be “Orbán’s risky flirt with Beijing”):

It’s about a Shanghai university intending to build a campus in Budapest. Sure very professional, writing headlines like that…

  • @CriticalResist8MA
    3 years ago

    Why does Germany care what two countries are up to between themselves.

    This colonial mindset is fucked up. We have never decolonized. Europeans and north americans still think the world belongs to them.

    Edit: I recommend Aimé Césaire’s discourse on colonialism. It’s not exactly deep theory (there are other works, for example from Fanon, for that) but he goes through so-called humanist or liberal thinkers and show that ultimately, they are one step away from fascism. That when they think they are enlightening the people of Europe about the colonies, they are still justifying colonialism. That is what led him to say fascism is colonialism applied to the coloniser. That if Hitler had done what he did in Africa or Asia, nobody would have batted an eye.