We finally found a bigger apartment we can afford and have a second bedroom we’d like to use for some of our pastimes like sewing and whatnot. I’d like to start growing some vegetables and maybe fruit as well if possible. Does anyone have any experience with indoor growing with hydroponics or anything? Cheap setups? where do we start?

  • Mana
    2 years ago

    Most LED lights are up to it nowadays. It’s still shocking to me because they used to be REALLY expensive but now any random shit off of amazon seems to do fine. The only problem is that they don’t have PAR measurements so it is a bit of a gamble. Once you have the light situation set up, the rest is mostly researching the plant needs with a large dollop of intuition.

    Tomatoes and chili peppers are a good place to start in Dutch Buckets. Get yourself a pH/EC meter and some fertilizer. Remember that liquid fertilizer in liquid form will be immediately usable but you are paying for water weight while fertilizer in solid form can be a removed to dissolve. Regarding the NPK of fertilizer 10-10-10 is a good starting point for simplicity’s sake. Once you get adept, you can start messsing with the ratios and use Hight N:P initially to keep the plants in a vegetative state and then supplement with P before fruiting to get vigorous flower growth.

    Keep it clean. keep cigarettes as far away as possible as Tobacco Mosaic Virus can spread via your hands despite having been smoked. Keep a yellow and blue card up once they are grown a little to scout for insects. IMO you will want to fear thrips the most as they are the most difficult to get rid of. if your area is known for pests then invest in predatory mites as a preventative measure.

    • JoinTheUnionOP
      2 years ago

      Thank you so much for this it’s greatly appreciated. When I get started I will most likely be back with questions.

      • Mana
        2 years ago

        Taking on this hobby for me has led to lots of learning and so many good things. Keep at it and you’ll get it. I don’t believe in the “green thumb” nonsense: you acquire it, not just born with it. I’ll be happy to answer questions but am by no means a master gardner.