Ukraine fans are displaying Azov flags

  • redtea
    1 year ago

    I was wondering if it was the earlier badge, which had the black sun and the wolfsangel:

    While I think the wolfsangel is still a Nazi symbol, libs have done back flips to pretend it means something else. But they still seem to accept the black sun as a Nazi symbol. So if people are now flying the Azov banner with both symbols and libs don’t protest, it confirms what we knew all along: Ukraine is associated with Nazism, they libs know it, they don’t care, and they would rather ordinary people forgot.

    Interestingly, I’ve just scrolled through pages and pages of photos of the game and can’t see a single shot of that goal with the banners directly behind it. Convenient how the press photographers managed to get a snapshot of most of the stadium but not one of one of the two most important parts of the pitch.

    Also curious is that while the players came out with ‘peace’ written on their flag, the press managed to focus on the flags brought by fans, which call for weapons/F16’s, and no surrender.