there seems to be a lot of “good” news surrounding the country lately which must meen there’s been pro-capitalist policy’s lately right

  • loathesome dongeater
    3 years ago

    What kind of good news?

    Venezuela hasn’t collapsed. Economy struggles because of sanctions and people face difficulties but it hasn’t collapsed.

    • @leftcomOP
      23 years ago

      well i got tricked by the propganda

      • loathesome dongeater
        13 years ago

        If you wanna know more about the effect sanctions have on Venezuela you can watch this video:

        It’s an interview with a UN Special Rapporteur who went to Venezuela to assess the impact sanctions have on the people on Venezuela. What the US/West says is that the sanctions are targeted to only target the government but that is a lie that the interview dispels. Highly recommend giving it a watch.