It must be pointed out that banning BBC World News has nothing to do with freedom of the press. Does the so-called freedom of the press the West advocates mean media outlets are free to produce lies and launch politically motivated suppression against a target while being immune from any punishments? If so, China doesn’t need such freedom of the press. The Western media has no moral high ground to criticize China over freedom of the press.

    83 years ago

    For all you folks who are complaining about China being scary or censoring “real news,” please realize that the UK did not renew the CGTN’s license in the UK a week before China took their action.

    Whatever your belief is in “state journalism,” you absolutely have to realize that the CGTN and BBC are the same kind of news agency.

    If you have evidence that the CGTN is more biased than the BBC is (careful searching, you’ll probably discover the opposite is true), please feel free to provide sources. Otherwise, recognize this for what it is. A refusal of each nation to allow the other to spin news in their respective countries.

      3 years ago

      Is strange how people have faith on governments. Politicians can be trusted, but you can’t trust a government.

        • Halce
          63 years ago

          How’s China any worse? All of the surveillance they do, the U.S. does too, as far as their global expansionism, they use soft power much more than hard power.

          I am reminded of…

            63 years ago

            Why are anti-China even in this community? Lmao. These folks should go to literally any other community with their anti-China propaganda with no evidence or sourcing. This isn’t We should expect people to have sources to back up their bigotry.

            -63 years ago

            You take criticizing China as liking the US which is not the same. Both suck :/

            • Halce
              83 years ago

              If you want to criticize China, I am open to that. Just make sure it doesn’t exactly resemble U.S. propaganda at a time when they are escalating their anti-China rhetoric, not because of human rights (the U.S. has a horrible record, for example more people are in prison in the U.S., than in China, which’s a larger country), but because of geopolitical dominance.

              93 years ago

              The US doesnt reeducate Muslims, instead they drop freedom bombs on them. Wait, why is that better???

            • Halce
              83 years ago

              The US has its major injustices, but it doesn’t round up political disagreers (oh, dear Chelsea Manning would like to differ…), and Muslims and send them to re-education camps where they torture and murder them…

              Ever heard of

              It was you, who first claimed China is worse (a comparative, not an equating statement)…