• ComradeSalad
    1 year ago

    I feel like the main problem arises from this comment, and your original one.

    Why use it? Surely there’s a better way to illustrate the point.

    I am just not a fan of this format. Or any of the porn based meme formats. Call me a prude if you want, but I don’t find them funny.

    That first comment feels a bit disingenuous in that based off of the second comment, you already kind of knew why they used it, but you’d like them not to based off of little more then your personal tastes.

    While there’s nothing wrong with your dislike for it, or it not fitting your personal type of humor; it feels much rougher when you try to dictate what others should find humorous, or use for memes, based off of your own personal tastes.

    So again, you not liking it is perfectly fine, but just because you personally find something weird or unfunny doesn’t mean that everyone else need to as well.