Link to video.

Supposedly they did conduct a DUI investigation, but it was all in the car. They never brought him out onto the curb like they’re supposed to. There’s a whole process, a policy, everything. So there’s a whole process. The policy, there’s a very legal way to conduct a DUI investigation and they refuse to take this man out of the car. Because god forbid we get video of him passing it for fun.

And so they opened the door, he was still in the car and they were doing kind of that eye test. I think they looked for your eye. I mean when you do it for as long as they were doing it, I mean like he said too, we have so… The raw video is so long. I mean we cut out all this stuff because how many times do you have to put a light in a man’s face? Oh, okay.

Sergeant’s going to come over and confirm. He’s like I didn’t quiver. So then they have another and it’s like we were kind of being like, Hey, what do you? Is this your DUI investigation in car without him even standing up?

    10 months ago

    This is what happens when you have entirely too much in the way of policing and not enough of the serious criminal element to warrant that kind of presence. When there is too much law enforcement, ordinarily law abiding citizens suffer because police have to justify their jobs. The circle goes around and around. And, yes, ACAB.

    10 months ago

    We need to phase out Law Enforcement Officers, and phase in Public Safety Affiliates.

    They are also a PSA, which is great.