I vaguely remember a user debunking this claim but I cannot find that comment and I don’t remember what post it was on.

  • EhList@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You are factually wrong about a concept that is not Marxist Leninist namely what an authoritarian state is. China is authoritarian. DPRK is authoritarian, Cuba is authoritarian and that is by the very definition of the phrase. The sources you have provided are not good quality ones.

    You very much come across like someone who has no education in political philosophy, anthro, and obviously economics. That’s probably why you are so arrogantly incorrect in your understanding. It is like talking to someone who only learned part if a bit about a philosophy and only on reddit.

    Finally what kind of fool thinks the DPRK is aligned with Marx at all? Seriously you might as well be a Pol Pot apologist. Their monarch is the third in line to hold the title. He is treated as a king. He is not limited in his authority by any part of the party and they are making no attempts to transition to communism.

    • DamarcusArt
      1 year ago

      I’ve repeatedly tried to tell you that your worldview isn’t the only one, and your only response is to assume malice on my part, rather than consider that you are not in fact the arbiter of all that is True and Good in the world.

      It’s kind of outrageous that a simple concept: “There are more points of view than your own” is apparently lost on you. Just because you can’t understand that concept doesn’t mean you are correct. Get your head out of your own ass. Though obviously, you never will, because you love the smell of your own farts too much. You clearly aren’t here in good faith, you’re just here to lecture us about how we should all sniff our own assholes and call that political theory.