• SovereignState
    1 year ago

    I do not mean to beat a dead horse or indicate that we in the core suffer just as much as those in the exploited periphery.

    I will say this, for non-Amerikan comrades and those Amerikan comrades living in better-off suburbs, etc.

    Amerika is a horrible, horrible place to live for the vast majority of us. It is a nightmare to be proletarian here. Any enshrined “rights” minorities, the colonized, and women have are window dressing for the pillage and slaughter being exacted upon them every fucking day by the Amerikan corpostate.

    Yes, we have clean water. It’s simply gated behind having the proper skin color or an adequate amount of (almost always inherited) wealth. I will not ramble on about the things we “have” as Amerikans (that are really only accessible by the true minority, the well-off), but I could go on and on about the facade of Amerikan prosperity and the reality of life on the ground.

    The reality here for most workers is not the reality outwardly presented. It is the inescapable threat of homelessness. It is the ever-present danger of malnutrition and starvation. It is the inability to see a doctor for a minor cold or a life-threatening illness for fear of being hit with hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of dollars in medical debt.

    The U.S. is not a good place to be a worker, and it exports that same misery and worse unto its colonies and comprador states. This is not an example of the head of the octopus being some paradise, the head is as utterly rotten as its tentacles.