Hey y’all, In the past I had arranged that /f/piracy in raddle.me would be the fallback forum for /r/piracy, but I recently noticed that raddle.me has disabled new user registrations and that would be a problem in case we need it.

And with reddit about to go public, it might be needed.

Instead of trying to spin up my own lemmy instance, I was thinking if I could get a mod position in this forum and specify it as the official /r/piracy fallback instead.

Feel free to PM me in reddit for verification.

  • Divided by Zer0OPM
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately, point A is unavoidable. We already got contacted by the reddit admins with an almost impossible demand (police not only new stuff, but also historical stuff) so we had to take a very draconian approach to avoid takedown.

    While I agree with point B myself, being a staunch proponent of copylefts, it doesn’t make sense to censor people for not being as radical as we area. It’s by rubbing noses with us that they will change their tune.

    To be clear, I am generally not against being more explicit anti-centralized, but while growing /r/piracy, it didn’t make sense.

    At the same time, I welcome genuine pro-piracy mods from reddit who would like to get started over here, and do a better job building and growing this community more than I ever could. If you sticky a post or put something in the sidebar of /r/piracy having this as a backup, I’ll mod you.

    Done. Check the the sidebar in https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/

    The main objective here is to be able to redirect people over and make sure we don’t splinter the community if and when reddit takes action against /r/piracy.

    • Ninmi
      122 years ago

      Lemmy is the place you’d want to move people to in case of a greater calamity as federated Lemmy is by nature more community controlled than Reddit or any centralized alternative could literally ever be.

      • Divided by Zer0OPM
        72 years ago

        There’s other alternatives, like Aether or my own lemmy instance. But I tend to try the path of least resistance first.

        • ghost_laptop
          32 years ago

          Aether is fine but development is pretty dead compared to lemmy and it’s fucking Electron.

            • ghost_laptop
              22 years ago

              Also I’m not completely sure their democratic/reputation system actually works in practice, since it has never been enabled.

    • DessalinesM
      102 years ago

      Cool, I got you modded now.

      BTW if anyone else would like to be modded and help grow this community, lmk.

      • Divided by Zer0OPM
        72 years ago

        Cheers! I’ll make a sticky in /r/piracy soon to make people update their bookmarks and maybe we can have some early adopters here as well

    • @uthredii@lemmy.ml
      52 years ago

      This is great news =).

      I find the megathread on reddit really useful, are you involved in making it? Would it be possible for it to be posted/pinned here whenever it is updated?