
How do you feel about collaborating with non-MLs? Some people seem to be purists, but I don’t see any problem collaborating towards shared goals. Not saying you should join an anarchist book club, but what about campaigning for reforms or doing direct action? Pre-COVID, I’ve bitten my tongue to organize with DSA, or volunteer for Bernie Sanders. Does anybody disagree with me, or have funny stories working with non-MLs?

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    94 years ago

    I highly recommend reading Lenin’s “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder essay that deals with subject of tactics, and covers a lot of these kinds of questions.

    For this particular scenario, Lenin advocates working with other groups as long as their interests align with yours, and splitting up with them when they don’t. He advocates for being pragmatic and adaptable in advancing the cause by any means necessary. As long as collaboration continues to further ML goals then it’s worthwhile.