Mine is probably Sekiro. I really dislike the story being about feudal Japan and the main character being the grunt for a privileged asshole but the combat and bosses are so good. I don’t think any game will ever top that.

To see how good the game is, compare it to J*di Knight: Fallen Order, which is essentially meant to be a clone of Sekiro but is so lacklustre in comparison.

  • @Gigglesickle
    4 years ago

    Hm… I’m going to cheat and give three answers.

    My favorite game of all time would be the original Fallout. Older than me but that’s how I like them. 😫

    My favorite game by hours played (and actually enjoying those hours) would be Hearts of Iron 4.

    Finally, my favorite game of recent, would be Tonight We Riot; I can’t imagine if any current events are influencing that though. Fuck the dockyards though.

    • @Hildegarde
      64 years ago

      I pirated Fallout 2 last year just for fun, but it was just unplayable for me coming from the newer ones. The series is really fantastic though, did you enjoy NV, 3, and 4?

      • @Gigglesickle
        4 years ago

        3 and New Vegas I never really got more than a few hours into, mostly due to crashes and corrupted saves. New Vegas I would like to get back around to at some point though, I love deserts. 4 is okay but hasn’t grabbed me either. The weird thing is, nostalgia isn’t at play here. I first played Fallout 1 in 2016.