Earlier today, I was made aware of a book called CIA Shining Path: Political Warfare written by someone very close to Juan Velasco Alvarado, President of Peru and pro-soviet socialist (so tankie in fact, he contemplated invading Chile after Pinochet’s coup).

The book only exists in Spanish and through some effort, I managed to grab a pdf which I’m uploading here https://gofile.io/d/o8OlG0, and I managed to auto-translate the book in a raw file.

I now have the translation on a google drive and I need help from my comrades who want to contribute to do the following (in this order):

  1. Clean up the document. There are a ton of PDF artefacts left. Page numbers, line breaks that shouldn’t be here…
  2. Use styles to format the text. Chapters, subchapters…
  3. Finally, proofread the translation and fix it. If you speak Spanish and can compare to the original book, that’s even better (I have some Spanish comprehension but I doubt it’ll be enough).

If you want to participate, just comment here and I’ll send you the link as anyone with it can edit the source. Then you can just get to it as you want. I’m gonna be adding some instructions on the first page for editors but yeah, that’s about it.

Much appreciated!

  • @CriticalResist8OPA
    33 years ago

    If you’re willing to help out I could definitely use as many people as possible for the first formatting task!

    • Muad'DibberA
      23 years ago

      Ahh I’m sorry comrade, if it was a few pages maybe, but 200 is way too much for me right now. But if you’d like to use my hedgedoc instance ( its a live collaborative editor, that would be great to do a lot of the conversion / collaboration in place ), let me know.

      • @CriticalResist8OPA
        33 years ago

        I’ve uploaded the raw files to a google doc so that people can easily contribute without having to log in. So far it’s working well, I hope we don’t run into issues down the line with this system.

        My plan afterwards is to upload it to Prolewiki and thankfully it will retain the formatting and styles when copying it over there.

        I’m insisting lol but even 10 minutes of help is appreciated, even one line fixed is helpful. As you only need the link to start editing, anyone can jump in at any time they want. But I prefer people tell me they can’t participate instead of tentatively agreeing and then never showing up.