I’ve applied to work at the library before, but that was back in my hometown and I didn’t get the job. I’m p sure I didn’t get the job because I didn’t have a phone or a bank account at the time. But, I’d still like advice if anyone has any.

I know I’ve gotta apply through my city’s website, but I’m not sure what kind of questions they’ll ask in the interview (legitimately have only interviewed for my hometown library as a late teen, and for work in the firearms industry as an adult. And the latter leaned more into my credentials than actually talking to me, so I’m very unprepared for interviews), or how formal I should be in the interview process. I’ve been fortunate enough to have lived a life up to this point that I didn’t need a normal job, but now that I need to find one, It’s very unfamiliar.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
    53 years ago

    probably, but maybe someone else here has done it? it’s worth asking, even if I’m probably not going to get much.

    • Muad'DibberA
      43 years ago

      I know 2 ppl that worked at my nearby college library system. It definitely would help to go in and ask, and of course there’s nothing better than if you know someone who already works there to get you an in.

      I also wouldn’t mention your firearms / smithing experience, and play up other experience, or make up something and get a friend to pose as the boss for it if they need references.