Lately, I’ve been noticing that, since the pandemic started, it’s become nigh impossible to find people who want to put the time into making new friends. I’ve made a lot of friends since the pandemic started, but all of them are online, and all of them are generally social people as-is.

It feels like people have passed a nihilist tipping point, seeing the world end before them under the capitalist system. It seems like very few people see any reasoning to put time into new people, some people I know fully self-isolated over the course of the pandemic and now don’t engage with anyone more than they need to.

This issue seems worse in person, I just moved to a new city. Only been here a few months, but it’s looking like absolutely no one wants to make friends here. People’s jaded-ness is much more noticeable in person, everyone expects to be ghosted or mistreated, no one’s willing to be vulnerable around others.

Is anyone else noticing this? does anyone else have tips for getting around this? surely I’m not the only one who’s feelin’ a lil more lonely than usual.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
    63 years ago

    I talked to a friend about this, to boil down what they said in agreement of it being way too hard to meet new people lately; ‘Emotional energy is a luxury nowadays’. And honestly, that’s absolutely the case.

    • KiG V2
      22 years ago

      Yes, it almost feels like another mechanism with which they keep us down. Drain us dry so we have nothing left but to drown out the day with various opiates.