If you feel you can contribute to the guide, please send it either in the talk page (you will need an account) or on this thread! Please add sources if you want to add something for a country; they don’t have to appear in the essay itself but it’s important that we don’t misinform people.

Otherwise we hope this guide will be of use to you as it grows bigger!

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      53 years ago

      Haha, well, I should have named the essay how to handle police, as we also delve into the rights citizens have when being detained or interrogated. Not sure if it’s possible to rename the page on the mediawiki platform, unless i delete this one and create a new page with the updated title.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      33 years ago

      But no, pls let my being on the criminology and forensics team for four years in high school be the qualifier of my advice.

      In any situation that you have to deal with the police, the nicer you are with them, the better they’ll treat you. As long as you’re not existing while black, cops will straight up leave you alone if you comply with them. They’ll be even more willing to make it easy on you if you make small talk, or make them feel good about themselves.

      So um, only talk to the cops in America if you’re white and able to control your attitude, otherwise you’re fucked.