While we grow this group, I wanted to share my other favorite groups. IRL, i’ve associated with PETA and DxE, but preferred smaller local groups (working with sanctuaries or school clubs). Also, check out “VegFests” if you are in the US for incredible food options.

Online, I found my favorite vegan social group is r/VeganCircleJerk. They have a discord with a heavy leftist influence and mods ban reactionaries. Also, they are very socially progressive. If you’re wondering, r/vegan kisses too much corporate ass in my opinion.

    • @HildegardeOPM
      24 years ago

      That’s great news! Feel free to ask anything, or just share your experience! When people are starting out, I always recommend www.vegankit.com

      • loathesome dongeater
        44 years ago

        I only have to remove eggs from breakfast and milk products from Indian food so it should be very easy.

            • @BuffaloBones
              24 years ago

              Lol this was my major takeaway from the video too.

              Capitalism, you’ve done it again!

        • @HildegardeOPM
          24 years ago

          Hey, just checking in! How has the transition been going?

          • loathesome dongeater
            34 years ago

            Had to put some yogurt in hummus because I didn’t have tahini but apart from that I haven’t had other animal products in four days.

        • @BuffaloBones
          24 years ago

          Just a tip from a fellow non-vegan: it’s easier to transition if you pick off bits at a time, like learning to replace your milk with soy milk and so on.

          If you know that you love eggs for breakfast in the morning then try out some scrambled tofu as a replacement. If that’s 90% of your egg consumption then that’s going to make a bigger difference than hesitating and resisting bigger changes.

          Also “black salt” from an Indian grocer will give your vegan eggs a slightly sulphurous oomph that is hard to beat.

          If you want to open your eyes to the possibilities of where vegan food can be taken to, check out Sauce Stache on youtube - there’s lots of good stuff there.