Hi comrades

I want to start handling my nutrition and fitness better. I usually work out at home and can do pushups etc., I would say I’m quite underweight.

While I’m reading the guide by CriticalResist on Prolewiki, I decided to count my calories. I barely reach 1500 calories a day which at this point I’ll go malnourished. I just feel full very quickly. I do not eat processed sugars and avoid sweets, and I’m basically vegan at this point.

I exercise too and can do push ups, squats etc with no problems whatsoever, though as expected I cannot build muscular mass, most likely because of my nutrition. I don’t have the money to go to a gym so I want as much as possible to work out at home, I saw that calisthenics might be a good option? Though they seem unreliable for building muscle mass and strength. I want to put more weight but not fatty weight, which had happened to me in the past. I do eat healthy, but I eat way too less because I feel I just get full quickly. This might be due that in the past I was overweight and conditioned myself to not eat much, but now I’m basically starving myself.

How would I go about increasing my caloric intake while putting muscle mass (preferably at home)?

  • ChayOP
    1 year ago

    What’s your protein intake like? What kinds of food do you eat for protein?

    As I’ve said in another comment, I aim to be fully vegan or at first vegetarian, so at the moment I eat nuts and eggs in this case.

    You say you work out at home, how often do you do that? What kind of exercises and progression are you doing (i.e., if you can do 3x10 pushups one session, do you do more the next)?

    I try to work out daily. My exercises are the following:

    (The ones from CjkOvPDwQw’s comment a bit modified)

    1. 1min Jumping Jacks
    2. 2x10 push ups
    3. 1 min High knees
    4. 5x10 squats
    5. 1min plank

    And these:

    1. 3x10 leg raises
    2. 2x10 heel touches
    3. 3x10 knee crunches
    4. 2x10 bicycle crunches

    I think I need to vary them a bit more to be more full-body focused

      • ChayOP
        1 year ago

        I’ll definitely check out the link. Hm yeah I never did any pullups, I’ll make sure to add some. I’ll also bump the number of reps. Thank you comrade!