That sub is mostly pretty boring these days, but ocassionally they come through with a cringe masterpiece like this.

  • REEEEvolution
    29 days ago

    The thing about the hospital is that Ukrainian troops have set up positions in or next to civilian installations in the past. In short: They take human shields.

    Another problem is the Ukrainian liberal use of rocket interceptors. Once they’re up, they will come down again. In the past this lead to one obliterating two polish people. Not too far fetched to assume that one came down on the hospital.

    Also Nazis do a whole lot more than invading or firing at hospitals.

    As for nazishit in Ukraine: The Red/Black flag you see in many Ukrainian pics? Is the one of the UPA, the armed wing of the fascist OUN, which aided the nazis in the holocaust, it means Blood and Soil.

    You also might have a look at the slogan of the Ukrainian Army, the same as the OUN which popularized it.

    You’ll also not be hard pressed of finding a ukrainian soldier with a Sonnenrad, SS runes, Galician Panzergrenadier insignia, UPA flag, Wolfsangel, SS skull and so on in every third picture of them. is quite the treasure trove.