They could have literally just used Junko for the last part, BUT NO! They had to do shit like this.

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    1 month ago

    If it helps, the shoe will be on the other foot soon enough. And there is no shortage of true- unlike the slander against the Soviets and other communist, anti-imperialist movements- crimes that the west should and must be held accountable for.

    If the US and the various European empires do not take their rightful place, firmly, alongside Nazi Germany (and as responsible for and the inspirations for Nazi Germany, and equally as terrible in their own right) in the dustbin of history in the collective consciousness in the future- I think that it will have been a severe failing, on our and (and all of humanity’s) part, and it will come back to haunt us in the most horrible ways imaginable.