• Anarcho-Bolshevik
    2 months ago

    First, they assassinated the commander of the [Zionist] military police in Gaza.

    This is the only part of the video that I enjoyed.

    “We teach the children the truth. How the Jews persecuted the prophets and tortured them. We stress that the Jews killed and slaughtered Arabs and Palestinians every chance they got. Most important, the children understand that the conflict with the Jews is not over land, but rather over religion. As long as Jews remain here, between the [Jordan] river and the sea, they will be our enemy and we will continue to pursue and kill them. [When they leave we won’t hurt them.]”

    The origin of that quote seems to be from Haʻaretz back in 2006, who purportedly quoted a camp director named ‘Hisham’ who was awfully open about the camp’s purpose. Not what I’d call a watertight source, but I can understand the narrator’s scepticism when he said that the camp puts on plays about how the neocolony ‘supposedly’ treats Palestinian prisoners. The plays almost certainly undersell the mistreatment.

    As for the rest of the video, I can’t say that I am impressed, given how ridiculously easy it would be for anybody to point the accusations in the opposite direction. Don’t believe me? Look: https://northboot.xyz/search?q=Israeli+children+hate+Arabs&language=all

    The Palestinian people does not exist.

    The PLO Charter of 1968 declared that ‘the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.’ Zahir Muhsein really wasn’t that important as a PLO member (he only represented one faction of it), but in any case it should be apparent from the (alleged) quotation that he was speaking from a pan‐Arabist viewpoint: by implication he also said that the Lebanese, the Jordanians, and the Syrians ‘don’t exist’ either. As with the Mufti Haj Amin al‐Husseini, this is another example of Zionists blowing somebody’s importance way the fuck out of proportion to bolster their pathetic propaganda.