This encapsulates everything wrong with the frothingfash that shit on “woke” media. Gets the name of the show wrong (its called The Acolyte), pulls the “oBJecTiVeLy BaD wRiTiNg” card, dramatically misunderstands every point made in the show and in almost all SW media since the prequels (the Jedi are not a perfect lawful good force, they are deeply arrogant and flawed, also “the thread” is just the force by a different name) and acting like an overall mediocre-to-decent show is the literal worst thing to ever be created when it’s painfully obvious they didn’t even watch it ancrap


if you don’t understand or care about any of this you are blessed smedly-exhausted

  • The Free Penguin
    2 months ago

    Side note: The way that the Sith are written… I don’t like it. They are clearly written as the MWAHAHA WE ARE EVIL characters and responsible for everything bad happening. The Empire? The Sith did it. The First Order? The Sith did it. From the origin, the Sith are Force-sensitive people who don’t want to become monks. But then the writers go and dump all the bad stuff onto them. All this whole “divine power + desire = bad” stuff has been going on since BIBLICAL TIMES and it’s driving me insane. Aight screw it, does anyone on the grad wanna start a Roll20 campaign? I’ll be playing a Good character that believes in an LHP faith.