• @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Where is the evidence of cultural genocide? Feel free to share it with me from a non CIA/NED source and I will consider it.

    Edit: just noted your citation of Atlantic article. Its first 2 paragraphs prove it is a propaganda piece. 1 million detentions is a figure claimed by Adrian Zenz, a Christian evangelist “sent by God on a mission to destroy China”. He also gets funds from CIA. Then there is mention of a ban of Uyghur language, cited Radio Free Asia, a NED outlet.

    People like you are so corrupt, disinformed and want to double down on your xenophobia that you will believe any garbage you want to, to justify confirmation bias.

    Hope this video cleanses your mind of propaganda https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=8yURIS7S9zg