While Windows games are easy to find, does anyone know some good sources for native Linux games? Here’s the ones that I know of. Feel free to add to it.

  1. Rutracker: My favourite and go-to.
  2. 4chan /t/ → Search for ‘gnu’: Has some people sharing games in real time and there are some resources in the header post.
  3. https://the-eye.eu/public/Games/Linux/ : Outdated but useful.
  4. ixirc.net : Has worked for me once.
  5. https://lutris.net/games → filter by free/open-sourced
  • @LeftBrain
    34 years ago

    Idk fam, i’ve never used Linux. Have you had any luck since OP?

    • loathesome dongeaterOP
      24 years ago

      No. I just meant to dump some sources for posterity so nothing to worry about though.