Another sitrep collating the latest news. Nothing you wouldn’t already know about if you have been following the news closely, but it’s useful to have the most relevant new developments all gathered into one place.

The most interesting, as usual, is not so much what is happening in Ukraine, where Russia continues to dismantle the “mother of all proxy armies” in a cool and methodical manner, nor is it the Saudi related rumor referenced in the title, but rather the mounting evidence of deliberate and accelerating dedollarization in BRICS+, and increasing desperation on the part of the collective West as it loses the financial and economic war.

Also, Dmitry Medvedev has yet again escalated his “bad cop” rhetoric to another level, which i personally find very entertaining.

  • 小莱卡
    4 months ago

    The west definitely uses the green agenda to keep global south countries from developing. Look at Mexico, the leftists party is constantly criticized by the opposition for its efforts saving the state run oil industry and investing in new refineries, they argue that the left does not care for the environment and the future is in clean energy so we should privatize our oil industry and move to clean energy.

    They use the agenda to make global south countries pay for the climate debt that the west generated, it is literally used to maintain elitism.

    • cfgaussianOP
      4 months ago

      Yeah, as i pointed out in my other response, that part is actually referencing a summary written by someone on Twitter of a longer article in a Russian publication. That summary is not entirely accurate to what the original said.

      I think rather than arguing over the way that this random Twitter user chose to phrase it, it makes more sense to go read what the original article says because it actually makes some good points:

      They use the agenda to make global south countries pay for the climate debt that the west generated

      I think this is very true. They pretend to care about the environment and always point fingers at China, at India, at South America, everyone but themselves, and sometimes they even drop the mask entirely and go full eco-fascist when they talk about “overpopulation” in Africa (transparently genocidal rhetoric)…they try to shift the blame and the burden onto the global south and keep it from developing, meanwhile they themselves are responsible for the vast majority of historical emissions and they still have by far the larger per capita carbon footprint. It is their corporations and their excessive consumption a lot of the time that are responsible for the environmental damages in the global south. It’s pure hypocrisy.

      They already industrialized and developed their economies and now they want to keep others from doing the same. They are trying to pull up the ladder behind them. It’s no wonder that people outside of the collective West have become so cynical and suspicious of when the West talks about going green.

      The problem is real and it disproportionately affects the global south, but the pretense of the West of caring about it is so obviously not genuine, it’s a smokescreen for a malicious and imperialist (and very much not green) agenda behind which they themselves have no intention of curbing their pollution.