• SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    4 months ago

    There’s also the precedent that this person could do equally heinous shit the second he enters office.

    Knowing libertarians, and knowing the US- probably. Frankly, I don’t think someone who actually stands against genocide could even make it for POTUS in the first place, and if they did, they’d be JFKed (rest in piss, though everyone who came after was worse) in a heartbeat. The AmeriKKKan empire is a beast in its own right, its very institutions and elite culture that of living, breathing, continuous genocide, and no single person alone can change its course- frankly I don’t even think there’s possibility for redemption, or changing of the course within the system at this point, the rot has set in so deep, not that the US was ever anything other than a festering genocidal cancer on this world to begin with, but at this point it has long since metastasized into something truly fatal (IMO).

    And yet despite all that I’ve said above, I won’t lie, if I were AmeriKKKan, and if there were a candidate that ran on a platform of- such a basic, simple thing, yet impossible to even comprehend for much of the US elites- “no genocide”- I would vote for them in a heartbeat, even betting on the slim chance it could be done.