• SadArtemis
    1 month ago

    You’ve described the excuse the US could find to invade (and the US can, and always has, found an excuse, even if they had to pull it out of their ass), but not that it would be a good idea (which it wouldn’t be).

    Frankly, I think given time, unless the Saudis can receive security guarantees- from Russia, China, perhaps even India and/or Pakistan, and from arrangements with the other Arab states- the US will try its hand at doing exactly as you describe, FWIW. If they can’t control the Sauds, they’ll try to overthrow the Sauds. And if they can’t overthrow the Sauds, or can’t regain control over the region or at least turn it into a destabilized hell-on-earth they can extract oil from, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration or remotely out of the question to say that they likely will try to do the “next best thing” and strike their oilfields, and destroy much of the world’s oil in the process.

    But it will be a disaster. A humanitarian disaster (not that the US would remotely care), an ecological disaster (ditto), it would possibly cause famine and deprivation across the globe and even across the west (though for the US regime, these facts probably sound more like positives). It would possibly set the entire Islamic world aflame, with the US either invading or bombing the nation which holds their two holiest sites- hell, it would set the entire world aflame, considering the Saudi’s strategic position and resources. It would create a fresh new hotbed of unending resistance and resentment in the region, and likely across the entire globe.

    But you know what? I think you’re not wrong, exactly, as said earlier. I think they really will push it, when push comes to shove. I think these maniacs would even go so far as to instigate nuclear war, with bioweapons thrown into the mix (because it’s the AmeriKKKans, of course they would) if they think they can get away with it, or that they can rule over the ashes.