Read the comments in the chains that are beneath it.

My participation will be low here for the time being, but this is something that affects all. Brace yourselves.

Additional information that borderline fascistic instances like already exist (Finland NATO supporter), and (PrivacyGuides admin) is run by a US/Canada nationalist that defederated Lemmygrad day 1 and calls people here liberals.

    911 months ago

    Most of these “Reddit refugees” will go back whence they came once they start missing having corporate propaganda shoved down their throats 24/7 I would assume.

    Which makes the whole “spirit of starting something new” over there very funny - because you know they’ll just crawl back to Reddit at some point anyways. Libs don’t have a very long attention span

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2611 months ago

      Without corporations telling them what to think they’d have to develop thoughts of their own, and that’s very much at odds with being a liberal.