I’ve only been here for a few days, so I don’t know the “history” of lemmygrad and its relationship with the other instances. Do we have a running count of the instances that have blocked us?

I know they’re ignorant liberals, and obviously as a principled Marxist I’m ready to respond to their pre-programmed, anti-Marxist rhetoric, but there’s communities on Reddit in which I’d never had a single interaction with someone spewing anti-ML bullshit.

For example, I’m very interested in NBA basketball. I like to be involved in the drama around the game. If a large group of NBA enthusiasts start a community on an instance that has us blocked, I’m locked out because the administrators of that instance shit their little britches seeing a passionate Marxist speak their mind on lemmygrad. I was thinking about starting a community here for the NBA, hopefully we gather enough members to facilitate content creation in smaller communities, despite the rampant blocking.

Edit: Now that I think about it, honestly I think I’m fine just making communities for shit I’m interested in here, regardless of our connection to those other instances. Looking through the ones I know have blocked us made me cringe off the face of the planet. Wouldn’t even want to talk basketball with them.

  • @suggsjackalOP
    11 months ago

    I’m alright with my lemmygrad account. As I said in my edit, the brainrot is mindnumbing in those instances. I love lemmygrad, I’m an extremely passionate Marxist. The community here is so great I’d love to discuss things other than ML philosophy and really make it a Reddit replacement here.

    • @ImOnADiet
      11 months ago

      I think I submitted my comment right before your edit (if not I’m pretty inebriated so sorry for that lol). Regardless, I get the sentiment of not wanting to engage with them lol. For me personally, I like to help people with the random questions they ask in c/lemmy and c/lemmy_support so it’s a little frustrating not being able to comment to them, so I’ll probably make a lemmy.ml account in the next few days