These monsters really plan to further destabilize the region.

  • 中国共产党万岁
    2829 days ago

    I wonder how history will explain these moves. It’s comforting to assume actors being rational, but this is a case of just the opposite guiding a country. Argentina is basically a vast expanse on the edge of the earth. What purpose could a military possibly serve for them? Their relationship with Brazil, their literal only credible threat, was good until recently…it’s just incredible that anyone is able to conjure a lens through which this looks like a good idea

    • 小莱卡
      4429 days ago

      He is just one of the many compradores throughout the history of latin america. These people hate their countries and worship the US, that is why it makes sense in their head to sell everything to the US/EU, it is internalized racism. In Mexico we call them malinchistas.

      • Bury The Right
        829 days ago

        The beggars I encountered during my short time in Costa Rica gave me the impression that some in Latam might view westerners and the west in general as big ATM machines that can magically solve the poverty they endure if they just ask nicely and hard enough. Sadly they don’t realize that the average American can’t even be bothered to learn the name and location of Latin American countries other then Mexico, Brazil, Cuba and Vuvuzuela.

        • 小莱卡
          29 days ago

          Compradores, while being wealthy and supposedly educated, really do act as beggars. Their solutions are always bootlick the americans, ask for money and never about working.

      428 days ago

      Despite all his rethoric, so far there has been no major changes on BR-ARG trade and diplo relations as far as I can tell from BR reporting. He backpedaled hard on the more insane stuff right after he won the election.