Inflation and a poor economy had plagued Argentina even before Milei was installed in Casa Rosada (the Pink House). But things have gone from bad to worse, as inflation has given way to hyperinflation. With the price of basic goods having doubled or tripled, even items as simple as bus tickets and common food staples are now out of reach for millions of people.

The inflation rate hit 270% following a deliberate devaluation of the Argentine peso, pushing the majority of Argentine dwellers into crisis. According to a study done by the Catholic University of Argentina, more than 57% of the people now live in poverty, a 20-year high. (Reuters, Feb. 18)

The combination of rising poverty and declining social services is as deadly as it is intentional. In the Argentine people’s hour of need, the Argentinian government (which manufactured the crisis) has abandoned them.

Argentina boasts 38,000 Meal Centers, which until recently entitled citizens to a warm meal even when wages were down and prices up. One of Milei’s first acts as president was to end all federal assistance for this vital public service.

By now, the food warehouses are as empty as the bellies of the people.


Accusations that Milei is reminiscent of leaders from the fascist regimes of Argentina’s past are proving more relevant by the day. Milei’s sympathy for the 1974–83 military junta — which murdered 30,000 Argentines — is old news.

Just a reminder: of the ~30,000 people that the neofascist junta intentionally massacred, 12% (or ~3,000) were Jewish… yet Milei is a ger (that is to say, a convert to Judaism)… meaning that despite being a Judaist, he’s idolizing an antisemitic régime.

I have no comment.

  • Bart
    6 months ago

    Lets just try it one more time, trust me bro, it will work this time!